Muslims By Name Only
1. Wrong Aqeedah
Many Muslims are just Muslims by name ―they have Muslim names like Ahmed, Muhammad, Abdullah, Abdul-Rahman and so on ―and when we look at their beliefs (‘Aqeedah), they are upon an ‘Aqeedah that is contrary to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
2. Doing Shirk
Many Muslims direct worship to other than Allah (the Most High) ―they attach themselves in worship to the dead in their graves, to shrines and tombs of peers and saints ―those whom they refer to as the awliyā (the allies) of Allah or sālihīn (the righteous). So they venerate the graves and they build tombs and shrines over them and then supplicate to those within them, seeking help and intercession―this is the epitome of polytheism (shirk).
3. Neglecting Obligatory Things
Furthermore, when we look at the Islamic Ummah, we see that many Muslims do not even pray, or pay the Zakāt or fast —they do not establish that which Allah (the Most High) has made obligatory upon them. It is for this reason, they are not aided by Allah and they are not able to repel the attack from their enemies ―because they do not fulfil that which Allah (the Most High) has made obligatory upon them ―so they are left without Allah’s support. This is the state of many Muslims ―their religion is lost to them and Allah (the Most High) has caused them to be lost.
4. Neglecting Tawheed (Muslims By Name Only)
So, from the most important of affairs and reasons that have led to the Muslims being tormented is their neglect of the worship of Allah (the Most High) and their neglect of Tawheed. Many Muslims do not understand Tawheed, and what it means or how to establish it so they fall into shirk (polytheism).
Then, there are those who may not commit shirk but they will not condemn it because they do not see that forbidding shirk (polytheism) is important in these times. You will find many so-called callers to Islam who do not consider people who sit at the graves and call upon the dead and make tawāf (circumambulation) of them to have committed polytheism.
So these are the most important reasons behind the suffering of the Ummah.
And why the Muslims are being punished, and why this humiliation is being unleashed upon them. There occurs in a narration from Imām Mālik ibn Anas (rahimahullāh, died 179H) in which he said, “The latter part of this Ummah will not be rectified except with that which rectified its early part.” There is no doubt that the Ummah is suffering and Muslims are in a state of torment and humiliation, but that torment and humiliation will not be removed up until the Muslims return back to the religion as it was in the early part of Islam, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) and his Companions (radiyallāhu ‘anhum).
Allah will send down his humiliation upon you. (Muslims By Name Only)
The Messenger of Allah (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “When you partake in interest transactions (usury), hold on to the tails of cattle, become satisfied with the cultivation of the earth and you abandon striving in the path of Allah, then Allah will send down his humiliation upon you.” When will this happen? When the Muslims indulge in these acts of disobedience and sin. The Prophet Muhammad (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) continued, “Allah will not remove the humiliation until you return back to your Religion.” And the religion begins with Tawheed, with the worship of Allah alone and the pillars of Imān, the Prayer and the rest of the pillars of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) did not say “until you revolt, carry out terrorist attacks, or until you demonstrate and march in the streets and lobby parliament, etc.” He began with the essential affair of Religion.
So My Dear Brothers & Sisters, ask forgiveness from ALLAH (subhana wa taala). And turn back to ALLAH before you return back to ALLAH (subhana wa taala). May ALLAH guide us all.
Must Share with others…
Jazak Allah Khair
Useful information for common people who know less or are misguided by others.